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'Wine' Dabbler

For what it's worth, here's the fly that got my best fish on Malham the other day (see previous blog post).

One of those 'night before' flies (we al do it, don't we?) and for a change, it caught!

If the forecast held good, I was hoping to be fishing a team of dabblers high in the water, so I palmered this one with cock. It was the sparser of the the team I chose, so it went on the tail. Just a bit of whim, but for this time of year, if you squint, it's ever so vaguely suggestive of sedges, heather flies, daddies etc etc. Got a reaction anyway....


Wine Dabbler Hook: Fulling Mill 31531 Black Nickel size 10 Tail: Cock Hackle: Ginger, cree, red game or furnace Rib: Fine black wire Body: UTC 'Wine' holographic Body Hackle: Furnace cock Cloak & Throat: Bronze mallard Thread: UTC 'Wine' 70 denier


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